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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-09-25 关注次数:0
In order to ensure the accuracy of foundation dynamic compaction, it needs to be tested in many aspects to ensure the effect. The following Xiaobian will introduce you to a variety of relevant methods of test and detection. Continue to read:
1. Load test: after the completion of the dynamic compaction project, in the quality inspection of the foundation structure, if the technician adopts the test method of load test, the first thing to check is the bearing capacity and deformation rate of the dynamic compaction foundation structure.
2. Standard penetration test. For this test method, firstly, the application scheme of SPT focuses on the dynamic compaction foundation composed of silt, silt and clay. The standard brick infiltration test method is used to detect the stability, density and sediment deformation parameters of the foundation structure. Combined with the standard infiltration test method and load test method, the foundation bearing capacity and reinforcement depth are tested, and the removal effect of liquefied foundation is evaluated.
3. The static test is similar to the standard penetration test method. The static cone penetration test is applicable to clay, silt and silt with less gravel. When the dynamic compaction method is used to detect the dynamic compaction foundation, the special penetration, cone resistance and pore water pressure of the foundation structure shall be detected first.
4. Dynamic detection experiment: dynamic penetration test is a good choice for dynamic compaction foundation based on strongly weathered hard rock, soft rock, sandy soil, sandy gravel soil and other foundation soil. The porosity, compactness, strength and deformation parameters of foundation soil should be expressed through foundation test. The dynamic penetration method is used to detect the quality of dynamic compaction foundation. Through the evaluation of site uniformity, the reinforcement effect of foundation is obtained.
The above is about the relevant testing methods for the construction of dynamic compaction foundation. I hope the above contents will be of some help to you. More relevant information will be sorted out and published on the website one after another. Thank you for watching.
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