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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-07-21 关注次数:0
When dynamic compaction is used to treat the foundation, it is necessary to set the spacing of compaction points in advance. If the spacing is not set in advance, chaos will appear at the beginning of the construction, and the compaction will not be strong. However, many people don't know how to set the spacing of tamping points. How to set the spacing of tamping points?
To set the spacing of tamping points, it usually depends on the nature of the foundation. That is to say, if the permeability of the foundation soil layer is very strong, or the soil layer is very thin, and there is a lot of sandy soil in the whole foundation, then the spacing of the tamping points is set between 5M and 10m, which may facilitate the construction. On the contrary, if the water permeability of all soil layers is very poor, and the soil layer is also very thick, and the water content is very high, then at this time, it is necessary to set the interval of all tamping points to be between 7 meters and 15 meters, and the position of tamping points should be arranged as irregular, so as to facilitate construction.
In short, the setting of tamping point spacing should be based on the nature of soil layer. It is wrong to set the tamping point before determining the nature of the soil layer. Because there are different kinds of soil layers and different water permeability, it is necessary to understand the basic information of setting the spacing of tamping points, otherwise it is difficult to set it.
In addition, dynamic compaction construction, there are many key points also need to pay attention to, not only the spacing problem, the rest of the spacing also need to pay attention to. Because dynamic compaction construction is different from other construction methods, most of which are large tools, we must pay attention to the persistence of spacing. If the spacing can not be guaranteed, it will lead to mutual collision and even affect the consequences of construction.
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