

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-07-14 关注次数:0
After the completion of professional dynamic compaction construction project, in the case that the site has not yet been handed over, it is necessary to control and manage the site foundation after the completion of dynamic compaction construction. At the same time, we should pay more attention, and don't miss anything easily. Next, let's talk about the specific aspects of control and management.
Management after the completion of dynamic compaction construction:
强夯施工完成后,施工管理人员应重 点控制和检查现场的排水作业,必 须从头到尾完成,直完全消 除。由于强夯地基现场施工过程中的防排水非常重要,排水顺畅可以保证工程的进度。此外,完成强夯作业后,竣工验收必 须得到适当的保证机制。
After the completion of dynamic compaction, the construction management personnel should focus on controlling and checking the drainage operation on site, which must be completed from beginning to end until it is completely eliminated. Due to the importance of waterproof and drainage in the construction process of dynamic compaction foundation, smooth drainage can ensure the progress of the project. In addition, after the completion of the dynamic compaction operation, the completion acceptance must be properly guaranteed.
还有一些客观因素,比如施工设计方案,设计图纸的审核,或者投标等。可能会有一段时间,几个月或更长。一旦场地闲置,如果不长期管理和维护,特别是雨季,如果场地排水处理不当,很容易造成场地被浸泡,会对强夯地基的施工质量产生非常严重的影响。因此,必 须确定强夯施工单位的排水沟设置和场地坡度设置要做到充分,这样强夯工程场地才不会被浸湿,工程交付才会非常顺利。此外,必 须提醒业主特别注意这些问题。
There are also some objective factors, such as construction design scheme, review of design drawings, or bidding, etc. It could be for a while, a few months or more. Once the site is idle, if it is not managed and maintained for a long time, especially in rainy season, if the site drainage is improper, it is easy to cause the site to be soaked, which will have a very serious impact on the construction quality of dynamic compaction foundation. Therefore, it must be determined that the drainage ditch setting and site slope setting of the dynamic compaction construction unit should be sufficient, so that the dynamic compaction project site will not be soaked, and the project delivery will be very smooth. In addition, owners must be reminded to pay special attention to these problems.
The above is the control and management work after dynamic compaction, I hope you will pay attention to it. I'm afraid that we should pay attention to all aspects before and after the construction of dynamic compaction foundation engineering, in order to control and manage the whole project well, and the quality and effect of dynamic compaction construction can meet the actual design requirements of engineering foundation treatment.
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