

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-22 关注次数:0
强夯施工的办法广泛应用于各种地基处理工程项目,其间公路工程的软土地基施工就妥善的采用了强夯的技能计划。强夯施工中地基加固的顺序是先加固深 层土体,再加固中层土体,加固表层土体。那又对于公路建设工程的强夯地基的施工管理流程又是怎样的?
Dynamic compaction construction method is widely used in various foundation treatment projects, in which the soft soil foundation construction of highway engineering properly adopts the dynamic compaction skill plan. The order of foundation reinforcement in dynamic compaction construction is to reinforce the deep soil first, then the middle soil and the surface soil. What is the construction management process for the dynamic compaction foundation of highway construction project?
强夯为了遏制各种因素对强夯地基带来的影响,在公路工程施工前会对地质状况、地表和地下的结构进行慎重地勘测,如出问题可采纳相应方式处理。为防止破坏,前期调查应重 点调查地下管网线路及构筑物的具 体 位置。
In order to contain the influence of various factors on the dynamic compaction foundation, the geological conditions, surface and underground structures will be carefully investigated before the construction of highway engineering. If there are problems, the corresponding methods can be adopted. In order to prevent damage, the early investigation should focus on the specific location of underground pipe network lines and structures.
Before arriving at the construction site, the bulldozer should be used to level the highway construction site, so that it is very convenient for the dynamic compaction machine to enter the site, and the dynamic compaction construction is more convenient. The dynamic compaction company also needs to accurately calculate the ground settlement value after compaction, and recognize the ground elevation, so it is necessary to do a good job in the test lofting operation according to the dynamic compaction design plan.
The gravity of the dynamic compaction machine itself will crush the foundation, so it is necessary to lay gravel. The purpose of doing so is not only to greatly enhance the bearing capacity of the foundation soil layer, but also to prevent the surface soil layer from loosening and losing hydrostatic pressure.
进入到了公路工程夯点施工阶段,必定得在强夯地基前,选用石灰或木桩准确标示夯击位置,保证差错小于5公分。整个阶段有三步:1、施工前的场地平整工作,同时需复测场地 标高。2.遍强夯施工完毕后的夯坑回填和场所抄平作业。3.施行满夯施工,而且需求控制好夯锤落距和夯击数量等等。
In the construction stage of highway engineering compaction point, lime or wooden piles must be selected to accurately mark the compaction position before dynamic compaction of foundation, so as to ensure that the error is less than 5cm. There are three steps in the whole stage: 1. Leveling the site before construction, and retesting the site elevation at the same time. 2. Backfill the tamping pit and level the place after the completion of dynamic compaction. 3. Full tamping construction should be carried out, and the dropping distance and quantity of tamping hammer should be well controlled.
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