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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-04-25 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction construction is mainly through the use of earth pressure gauge to observe the change of taxi pressure on the ramming pier and the soil between the piers in the loading process. The load in the earth pressure test has included the weight of bearing plate and steel beam.
The average value of earth pressure gauge reading increases with the increase of load, and with the increase of load, the difference between the two is basically linear, which shows that with the increase of load, the proportion of load transfer to dynamic compaction replacement pier increases, and the purpose of dynamic compaction reinforcement effect is achieved. With the increase of load, the earth pressure of dynamic compaction replacement pier increases gradually.
According to the statistical analysis, the average earth pressure at the primary and secondary main compaction points is 1003kpa; The earth pressure at the third tamping point is 388kpa; The average value of earth pressure between rammers is 306kpa; According to the product of the earth pressure measured by the displacement pier and the soil between the piers and the corresponding area, the load sharing ratio of the pier and the soil can be obtained. That is to say, 60% of the phase load of the gravel replacement pier, that is, most of the load borne by the load plate is transferred to the dynamic compaction replacement pier.
Usually in the process of dynamic compaction construction, there will be a huge impact energy. Under this action, the center of the tamping point will sink rapidly, and the accumulated settlement can even reach more than 1 meter. Then, the soil around the tamping pit will rise, so the foundation soil will certainly produce great deformation. Once the foundation soil is deformed, the surrounding buildings will be strongly affected.
The difference of dynamic compaction construction is that it will produce vibration and noise, especially in high-energy dynamic compaction construction. First of all, we analyze the mechanism of the impact of dynamic compaction construction on the surrounding buildings. The impact energy exerted by the rammer on the ground propagates in the half space of the elastic body of the foundation in the form of vibration wave, which changes the physical and mechanical properties of the soil.
The above is about the dynamic compaction foundation related news information, more related information will be published in succession, thank you for watching.
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