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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-03-01 关注次数:0
With the continuous development of engineering technology, construction has its due position in many industries, especially the filling of road subgrade needs dynamic compaction to ensure the use of the road. It is more practical to ensure the effect of dynamic compaction. The following is about the application method of dynamic compaction foundation construction in road subgrade filling.
1. Determine the technical parameters
In the dynamic compaction construction, the gravel without weeds should be selected when selecting the subgrade filler. In addition, the road should be layered, the topsoil should be clean and tidy, and the weakly weathered sandstone should be used. Backfill can ensure good effect. Before road construction, the foundation and dynamic compaction structure must be tamped until the penetration force and uplift height meet the requirements.
2. Preparation of construction machinery
The selection of mechanical equipment in dynamic compaction construction will affect the effect of road filling, and the preparation of machinery will affect the construction efficiency and quality, so we should pay attention to this link in the construction process. As an aviation hammer and crane. Both of them are important factors to complete the road engineering. The decoupling device can make the drop hammer stable and ensure the normal construction.
Application of dynamic compaction foundation in subgrade filling
3. Technical preparation of workers
The skill of workers is one of the important parts of the whole road filling project. It is closely related to the skill of workers that which is beneficial to the construction of dynamic compaction foundation. When the technicians participate in the construction work, they can conduct a comprehensive study on the engineering geological report and conduct low-tech test, so as to determine the quality standards and safety measures. Corresponding measures training must be carried out before work in order to understand the dynamic compaction construction method. Ensure normal construction.
In a word, dynamic compaction construction is more practical in road subgrade filling method. In order to ensure the effect of dynamic compaction, it is necessary to determine the technical parameters and prepare the construction machinery. The construction personnel also need to understand the relevant technical points, and use them reasonably in the actual road engineering, so as to ensure the control of construction quality and improve the bearing capacity of subgrade.
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