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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-12-17 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction foundation construction will encounter many problems, these problems actually have corresponding solutions, for example, in the construction of the collapse problem, this problem exists, the solution is also based on different reasons. Here we have sorted out several corresponding processing methods, which you can refer to.
How to prevent collapse of dynamic compaction Foundation

Central controlled collapse: this reason is closely related to geology. For example, in some hilly areas, the geology is relatively loose. After years of scouring, there are not many gullies on the surface, but there are some scours inside. After dynamic compaction, some soil will cause collapse. This kind of collapse needs to be measured in the early stage and solved by backfill in the later stage.
Complex geological environment: this situation is also relatively common. For example, some gravel areas are mixed with some large stones, which need to be removed before dynamic compaction. This will also cause some collapse. The treatment method is to use some methods close to the local soil for backfill when backfill.
Water scour and collapse: this problem needs to be solved from the source. Generally, it is necessary to find the water source. The dynamic compaction machine should be rented for more than one month for consultation, and then the water source can be solved, and the rest can be handled easily.
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