

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-11-12 关注次数:0
Based on the first-hand data of dynamic compaction test, the relationship model between single point tamping settlement and tamping times is established, and the variation law of single point tamping settlement with tamping times is revealed. Based on the structural dissipation theory of rock and soil deformation, the effect of compaction energy on improving backfill is analyzed from the angle of energy
Analysis of dynamic compaction settlement and energy dissipation in dynamic compaction foundation treatment
Based on the first-hand data of dynamic compaction test, the relationship model between single point tamping settlement and tamping times is established, and the variation law of single point tamping settlement with tamping times is revealed. Based on the structural dissipation theory of rock and soil deformation, the contribution of compaction energy to improving the order and stability of open system of backfill soil layer is analyzed from the angle of energy, The law of the effective evolution effect of tamping energy on the system with the tamping number is discussed.

The results of dynamic compaction foundation treatment are as follows
① The results show that the variation law of single click tamping settlement with the increase of tamping times can be divided into two stages;
② The results show that the thickness of the initial backfill loose soil layer has an effect on the number of compaction required for the convergence of the settlement curve, but the influence on the convergence value can be ignored;
③ With the improvement of the order and stability of the system, the energy that can be used to maintain and improve the order and stability of the system is reduced, and the energy transmitted outward increases the lease construction of dynamic compaction machine. The system tends to be a relatively stable state corresponding to the tamping energy.
In order to achieve the economic purpose, dynamic compaction parameters must be selected correctly according to the geological conditions and engineering requirements.
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