

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-10-30 关注次数:0
强夯机地基置换合适于连片开辟的 设备群,应不同施工,不宜配合使用几种设备中止交叉施工,如果一同使用,相互影响较大。强夯搜检强夯施工进程傍边的各项测验数据和施工纪录,不符合计划苦求时应补夯和采纳别的有用错失。
The foundation replacement of dynamic compaction machine is suitable for the equipment group developed in succession. It should be constructed in different ways, and it is not suitable to use several kinds of equipment to stop cross construction. If they are used together, they will have great influence on each other. Dynamic compaction shall be carried out to check the test data and construction records in the process of dynamic compaction. If the test data and construction records do not meet the requirements of the plan, the compaction shall be supplemented and other useful mistakes shall be adopted.
选用强夯施工,不宜一同使用几种设备中止交叉施工,如果一同使用,相互影响较大。选用强夯施工,恳求在作小区翔实决策的 竖向计划时,有需要思考强夯的 夯沉量影响,因为强夯后园高有所下降。因为强夯法在施工进程傍边,重锤着落时要迸发接连0.50~1s的 地基振动。
It is not suitable to use several kinds of equipment to stop the cross construction. If they are used together, they will have great influence on each other. The dynamic compaction construction is selected. It is suggested that the influence of dynamic compaction on the settlement of the plot should be considered when making the detailed vertical planning of the plot, because the elevation of the garden plot will decrease after the dynamic compaction. Because the dynamic compaction method is near the construction process, the foundation vibration of 0.50-1s will burst out when the heavy hammer falls.
强夯置换其特征是:可使用工地常备简略配备;施工工艺、操纵简略;适合土质限制广,加固成果显赫,可获得较高的承载力,一般地基强度可前进2~5倍;蜷缩性可失落2~10倍,加固影响深度可达6~10m;工效高,施工速率迅速,较换上回填和桩基可收缩工期一半;朴素加固原质料;施工低,朴素出资,比换土回填朴素50%,与预制桩加固地基比拟,可朴素出资 50%~70%等。

The features of dynamic compaction replacement are as follows: the site standing equipment can be used; the construction technology and operation are simple; it is suitable for wide soil restriction and remarkable reinforcement results; it can obtain high bearing capacity; the general foundation strength can be advanced by 2-5 times; the curling property can be lost by 2-10 times, and the reinforcement influence depth can reach 6-10 m; the construction efficiency is high, and the construction speed is fast, which is half of the construction period of replacing with backfill and pile foundation The construction cost is low, which is 50% of the cost of soil replacement and backfilling, and 50% to 70% of the cost of foundation reinforcement with prefabricated piles.
强夯地基经由多年的外表及强夯配备的更新,强夯法施工已广泛使用到高速公路铁路,机场、核电站、大工业区靠海等根柢加固工程,并对比较较冗杂的地质如高填方根柢,高含水量根柢,口岸填海根柢,海水吹填根柢等都有成功的施工事例。这种震波对附近必定限制内的 设备物(building)是没有毁伤的 。但其迸发的 杂音对附近住户有必定的影响,以适于制造现场的 公害操控值75dB作为标准时,所以施工地址应脱离居处50m之外为宜。
Dynamic compaction foundation has been widely used in highway, railway, airport, nuclear power plant, large industrial area and so on. It has been successfully applied to complicated geological conditions such as high fill foundation, high water content foundation, port reclamation foundation and sea water reclamation foundation. This kind of seismic wave does not damage the building within certain limits nearby. However, the noise has a certain impact on the nearby residents. When the pollution control value of 75db suitable for the manufacturing site is taken as the standard, the construction site should be 50m away from the residence.
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